Patience in Natural Horsemanship

By Jamie Finch | 03rd November 2023

A horse in water

In the world of horsemanship, there's a profound truth that every equestrian must understand: patience is not just a virtue; it's the cornerstone of building a meaningful and harmonious relationship with your horse. 

Horses, with their innate prey instincts and unique personalities, require a patient and empathetic approach in their training and handling. 

In this blog, I'll explore the pivotal role of patience in natural horsemanship, the art of understanding and communicating with these magnificent creatures, and the transformation it can bring to your horse-human relationship.

Understanding Your Horse

Horses as Prey Animals

To comprehend the significance of patience in your interactions with horses, it's essential to delve into the horse's inherent nature. 

Horses are prey animals, and their evolution has wired them to be vigilant, sensitive, and cautious. 

In the wild, their survival depends on their ability to detect and respond to potential threats swiftly. 

This means that they are naturally predisposed to react to sudden movements, loud noises, or any perceived danger.

As prey animals, horses rely on their finely tuned senses—keen eyesight, acute hearing, and a strong sense of smell—to stay safe. 

They are constantly scanning their environment for signs of danger, and this heightened awareness can make them prone to spooking or reacting to unexpected stimuli.

How Their Natural Instincts Influence Their Behavior

Understanding your horse's prey animal instincts is crucial in any approach to horsemanship, especially in the context of patience. 

Their instinctual responses are not deliberate acts of defiance but survival mechanisms deeply ingrained in their DNA. 

When horses react to stimuli, they do so to protect themselves, not to inconvenience their riders or handlers.

Incorporating this knowledge into your training and interaction with your horse allows you to approach them with empathy and patience. 

It helps you recognise that their reactions are not personal affronts but rather instinctual responses that can be shaped and modified through patient, gentle guidance.

Recognising Individual Horse Personalities and Temperaments

While understanding the prey animal's nature is essential, it's equally important to acknowledge that each horse is a unique individual with its personality and temperament. 

Some horses may be naturally more anxious or reactive, while others are calmer and more stoic. 

Recognising and respecting these individual differences is a key aspect of working with horses effectively.

The Building Blocks of Patience

Why Impatience Can Lead to Misunderstandings and Resistance

Impatience is the antithesis of effective horsemanship. 

When you rush, push, or demand too much from your horses too quickly, you risk creating misunderstandings and resistance. 

Horses are incredibly perceptive animals, and they can pick up on your impatience and frustration. 

This can lead to anxiety and a breakdown in communication between horse and rider or handler.

When impatience prevails, it can result in a vicious cycle of frustration, tension, and diminished trust. 

The horse may become resistant, either by tensing up and refusing to respond or reacting with fear or frustration. 

This is why patience is often referred to as the cornerstone of successful horsemanship – it paves the way for clear, effective communication and a harmonious relationship with your horse.

The Calm and Assertive Approach to Training

Patience doesn't mean passive acquiescence. 

It's about being calm and assertive in your actions. 

A patient handler or rider is firm but fair, providing clear, consistent cues to the horse. 

This approach allows the horse to understand what you are asking and to respond willingly.

Calm and assertive training is a hallmark of natural horsemanship, focusing on working with the horse's instincts and nature rather than against them. 

By adopting this approach, you can create an environment where your horse feels safe, respected, and motivated to cooperate.

Developing a Calm, Focused, and Patient Mindset as a Handler

Patience isn't only about the horse; it also pertains to the handler or rider. Developing a calm, focused, and patient mindset is just as important as the physical actions you take. 

When you approach your horse with patience, you set the tone for the entire interaction.

A calm mindset helps you maintain your composure even in challenging situations. 

It allows you to stay present, observant, and adaptable. Horses respond positively to this energy, as they can sense your emotional state and will mirror it in their behaviour.

Communication Through Patience

The Significance of Non-Verbal Communication

One of the most remarkable aspects of working with horses is the reliance on non-verbal communication. 

Horses, highly sensitive creatures, pay close attention to our body language, energy, and facial expressions. 

They interpret these cues to understand our intentions and emotions.

Patience plays a crucial role in non-verbal communication. 

When you're patient, you provide a stable and predictable presence for your horse, which allows them to trust you. 

Horses are more likely to respond positively when they sense you are patient and in control of your emotions. 

Conversely, impatience can lead to confusion and anxiety for the horse.

The Patience Required for Clear Cues and Signals

In natural horsemanship, communication is about clarity and consistency. Patience is the key to delivering clear cues and signals to your horse. Rushing through commands or being inconsistent can create confusion and frustration for the horse.

For example, if you're teaching your horse to stop or turn, it's crucial to provide the cue at the right moment and give the horse time to respond.

Patience allows you to wait for the horse's reaction without becoming frustrated if it doesn't happen instantly. 

This patient approach ensures that your horse understands what you're asking and can respond willingly.

The Concept of "Wait Time" in Horse Training

"Wait time" is an essential concept in horse training that emphasises the value of patience. 

It refers to giving your horse a moment to process your request and respond before offering further cues. 

This pause allows the horse to think and understand what you're asking before taking action.

Incorporating "wait time" into your training sessions encourages the horse to engage mentally and develop trust in your guidance. 

It's an opportunity for the horse to show compliance willingly rather than reacting out of confusion or pressure.

By practising "wait time" and emphasising the importance of patience in your cues and signals, you create a communication process that is respectful, clear, and productive. 

This approach fosters a stronger connection and understanding between you and your horse.

Problem-Solving with Patience

Dealing with Common Horse Behavior Challenges

Every horse, at some point, will exhibit behaviour challenges or resistance in their training. 

It's essential to approach these challenges with patience and empathy rather than frustration or force. 

By understanding the root causes of these challenges and addressing them patiently, you can create positive solutions and strengthen your relationship with your horse.


Spooking is a common behaviour in horses, triggered by fear or uncertainty. 

Horses may suddenly shy away from perceived threats or unknown objects. 

Patience is vital in these situations, as reacting with impatience or harsh correction can escalate fear and make the problem worse.

Patience lets you calmly guide your horse through the spooking episode, reassuring them and gradually desensitising them to the source of fear. Over time, the horse learns to trust your guidance and responds with less anxiety.

Refusing to Load in a Trailer

Loading a reluctant horse into a trailer can be a challenging task. 

Forcing or rushing the process can lead to anxiety and resistance. Instead, a patient approach involves taking the time to build your horse's confidence in and around the trailer.

Using techniques like positive reinforcement, gradual desensitisation, and patience during each step of the loading process can transform a reluctant loader into a cooperative one.

Nervousness Under Saddle

Nervousness or anxiety when riding can be addressed with patience and understanding. 

Impatience can exacerbate a horse's anxiety and create a cycle of tension. 

Instead, a patient rider recognises the signs of nervousness, such as tenseness or spooking, and responds with a calm and reassuring demeanour.

Through patient training and exposure, the horse can become more confident under the saddle, knowing their rider will guide them safely.

How Patience Can Lead to Trust and Solutions

Applying patience in your problem-solving approach helps your horse develop trust in your guidance. 

Horses are more likely to accept new experiences and overcome their fears when they feel their handler or rider is patient and supportive.

The patience-driven solutions also create a more positive and rewarding training experience for you and your horse. 

It reinforces that challenges can be met with understanding, patience, and constructive solutions, leading to a stronger bond and a more confident equine partner.

Building Trust and Mutual Respect

The Connection Between Patience and Trust

Trust is the foundation of any successful horse-human relationship, and patience is the bridge that leads to it. 

When you approach your horse with patience, it communicates to them that you are a reliable and predictable presence in their life. 

This reliability fosters trust.

Trust is a two-way street. 

Just as your horse learns to trust you, you must also trust your horse. Patience enables you to provide your horse with opportunities to make the right choices and to be a willing partner in your interactions. 

Trusting your horse's abilities and instincts gives them confidence in your leadership.

The Role of Consistency in Building a Strong Relationship

Consistency is another vital element in developing trust and mutual respect. 

When you're consistent in your actions and cues, your horse can better understand what is expected of them. 

This predictability creates a sense of security for your horse, a fundamental aspect of trust.

Patience and consistency go hand in hand. 

When you consistently apply patient, calm, and clear communication, your horse learns to rely on your guidance. 

They understand that you will give them time to process information and respond and that your cues will remain steady. 

This consistency helps establish a strong and stable relationship.

Techniques for Patient Training

Groundwork Exercises that Promote Patience

Groundwork is a fundamental aspect of horse training, and it offers an excellent platform for building patience in both the horse and the handler. Groundwork exercises are designed to help your horse become responsive, respectful, and attentive. 

These exercises often involve leading, lunging, yielding, and desensitising.

The key to patient groundwork is to move at the horse's pace, allowing them to understand and respond to your cues gradually. 

For example, when teaching your horse to yield their hindquarters, you'll use pressure and release techniques with patience. 

This approach encourages the horse to move away from pressure willingly, enhancing their understanding and trust.

Riding Exercises that Require a Patient Approach

Patience is equally crucial when training under saddle. 

Riding exercises that encourage patience include developing soft and responsive cues, maintaining a consistent rhythm, and using gradual progressions to build on your horse's skills.

For instance, when working on collection and impulsion, it's essential to ask for small increments of improvement while remaining patient and allowing the horse to find their balance and strength. 

Rushing these exercises can lead to tension and resistance.

Tips for Maintaining Patience Even During Challenging Moments

Maintaining patience during challenging moments, whether on the ground or under saddle, can be a true test of your horsemanship skills.

By incorporating patient training techniques and maintaining a calm, focused approach, you'll not only build your horse's skills but also enhance the partnership you share.

The Art of Timing

How Patience Relates to Timing in Horse Training

Timing is a critical aspect of effective horse training, and it is intricately linked with patience. 

Good timing allows you to provide cues and reinforcement at the precise moment when your horse exhibits the desired behaviour. 

This clear and timely feedback helps your horse understand what you are asking of them and reinforces their learning.

Patience and timing are like two sides of the same coin. 

Patience provides the space for your horse to process your cues and make the right choices, while good timing ensures you reward those choices effectively. 

Rushing or applying pressure too quickly can lead to confusion and frustration, making it challenging to establish good timing in your training.

Recognising the Right Moments to Reward and Release Pressure

In horse training, it's crucial to understand when to release pressure or provide a reward. 

Whether you're using a physical cue, voice command, or positive reinforcement, the timing of your actions is critical.

For instance, when teaching your horse to yield their hindquarters during groundwork, you'll apply pressure by asking them to move their hind end away from you. 

When your horse takes a small step in the right direction, you release the pressure, rewarding the desired response. 

This immediate feedback reinforces the correct behaviour and encourages your horse to continue responding promptly.

Timing also plays a significant role in under-saddle work. 

If you're training your horse to perform a specific manoeuvre, such as a lead change in dressage, the timing of your aids is essential. 

Applying the aids too soon or too late can confuse the horse and disrupt their balance and performance.

Developing a keen sense of timing in your training is an ongoing process, and it's closely intertwined with your ability to be patient and observant. As you progress in your horsemanship journey, you'll become more attuned to your horse's responses and better able to provide timely and effective cues and rewards.


In the world of horsemanship, patience is the bedrock of a meaningful relationship with your horse. 

It's the key to understanding their instincts, clear communication, and problem-solving. Patience fosters trust, mutual respect, and consistency in your training.

By using patient training techniques and honing your timing, you can guide your horse effectively.

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